Monday, July 4, 2011

A Gentle and Quiet Spirit...

Some people would say to be gentle is to be weak, this however is not the case. Lets say you are holding a newborn baby, what would be the gentle way to hold him or her? Would it be up tight and close, squeezing the baby? Would it be limply holding your arms out with barely enough support. The answer is neither. The first would be overpowering, brutal. The second would be weak and careless. The definition of gentle is: using the lease amount of force necessary. You cannot be too gentle or not gentle enough because when that happens, the action becomes something else. Gentleness is a huge strength. It takes alot of strength to know what the right amount of force necesary is and to act upon it. Often gentleness requires being more or less forceful then you normally would be. Therefore gentleness is not natural and takes alot of strength.

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