Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random quotes

What God does is not just an abstract thought.
-Pastor Matthew

Most people are worried about others thinking to little of them. We should be worried about others thinking too much of us.
-Pastor Matthew

Taking credit for what God has done is cosmic plagiarism.
-Pastor Matthew

"And what tremendously good news it is that the way to be forgiven our sin and escape God’s wrath is just to rest in his free mercy. What terrible news it would be if John came preaching: Jews can be saved, but not Gentiles. Or: well-to-do people can be saved, but not poor folk. Or: white people can be saved, but not Indians or black people. Or: you can be saved if on the judgment day your good works outweigh your bad works. All that would be bad news. But for John the way is open for “all flesh” to have the salvation of God (3:6), because no human distinctive whatsoever is a precondition of God’s mercy. His mercy runs ahead of all our efforts and seizes us before we know it. And the good news is: just rest in this mercy and you will be saved."
-John Piper

"You can't commend what you don't cherish."

"The wisdom of God made a way for the love of God to satisfy the wrath of God without compromising the justice of God."
-John Piper

Press on, shine bright, and serve wholeheartedly.
-Taylor Ivester

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he can never loose.”
-Jim Elliott

“If you pray Scripture, you are sure to pray the will of God.”
-Mrs. Zandstra

“You made us for yourself and our hearts find no peace until they rest in you.”
-St. Augustine

“The steps that follow afterward have less courage than the first.”
-Esther Shephard

“Beauty from ashes is more captivating than the unspoiled and untouched celestial bodies, for God uses the broken to manifest his glory.”
-Esther Shephard

“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate its that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be talented, gorgeous, and successful?’ The real question should be, ‘Who am I not to be?’
-quote from Akeelah and the Bee

“Glory be to the for the Glory I have not tasted yet.”
-Charles Spurgeon

“Satan’s only attack is to undermine God’s priorities.”
-Pastor Matthew

“A true child of God, yet he might fall foully, yet could never finally fall.”
--George Whitefield

“Lord I want you to be what you reveal yourself to be.”
-Pastor Matthew

“When the clay was on the wheel, the father saw it all.”
-Charles Spurgeon

“I believe the reason many worship songs ring true I worshipers is because God has put songs in us already. When you hear a song that makes you say, ‘that is what I want to say,’ that was a song already in your heart from God. God has interjected songs in the hearts of his people and He’s working to draw those songs and expressions out of His people.”
-Steve Fee

“His strength is perfect when our strength is gone; he’ll carry us when we can’t carry on.”

“A heart that trembles at God’s word is very precious in God’s eyes.”
-Pastor Matthew

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but the moments that take our breath away.”

“Some say He hates what is unholy, but he loves us and we are unholy. Instead we should say: he hates sin.”
Hannah Middleton

“When we cry out to God, He hears us, but not always when or how we want it.”
-Pastor Matthew

“Biblical worship is centering our hearts affection and our minds attention.”
-Pastor Mathew

“Satan can only make people who aren’t cleaned by God sin. He does this by placing in their hearts a desire to do something that they already want to do.”
-Chad Barnes

“The Lord gives and the Lord takes away-it is his sovereign right-blessed be his name.”
-Pastor Matthew

“Prayer is not asking for what I want but for what God wants in my life.”
-Pastor Matthew

“It’s hard to stumble when you’re on your knees.”

Intelligence is the ability to learn facts and skills and apply them. Wisdom is the ability to make sensible decisions and judgments based on personal knowledge and experience. Few men are intelligent, but fewer men are truly wise and still fewer have both wisdom and intelligence.
-Hannah Middleton

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