Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Divine Slap in the Face

God works in mysterious ways! He suprises me every time. I think I have it all together and then WHAM God puts me in line. This happened at Teen Pact Staff training this year. Aaron Watson was listing some characteristics that are found in a leader and one of them was flexibility. I thought to myself that I have that one down pretty well. I'm the kind of person that generally goes with the flow and is pretty laid back. BUT the next day we were having class at the capital and i was super excited about eating in the super wonderful cafeteria there but IT WAS CLOSED! I was frustrated when i first found out and then seconds later after the fact I checked my heart and realized that was NOT being flexible. It was a slap in the face from God. I felt like laughing out loud though for the way God put me in my place and showed me who was boss! It was definitely a humbling moment and a good learning experience! God reminded me that even the things i think I have all together, i really dont. My life is in a continual process of sanctification. Amen!

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