Monday, August 17, 2009

God is so incredibly awesome!

I also saw God’s Providence during the time I was trying to come up with my speech:
Chad told me about the speech Wednesday and I was busy with other stuff all day Thursday, all day Friday, (except for random 15 min breaks where I worked on the speech). So I basically had Saturday to do it and it was completely stressing me out! You can ask Jordan. He asked me Friday night how my speech was going (at the time I had just a bunch of random notes everywhere) and so it wasn’t doing so great. He told me that he would pray for me. But Saturday I literally worked on it all day! I was so discouraged the first one or two hours because I couldn’t seem to get all my thoughts together and that’s when I realized I needed to pray about it! I realized that I needed to give the whole thing up to God and let him control the whole situation! I prayed that God would give me the words to speak and that people would realize that its not me but God working through me to encourage the church. I wanted my speech to be completely focused on God and for everyone to look past me and see him in it! I also prayed that he would pull my thoughts together and give me the right words to say! And that’s exactly what God did! God also sent Chad to me Saturday to give me websites to look up extra material on. I emailed my speech to Chad and this is what he wrote back, “While I think it would be very difficult to explain all of that in 5 minutes, the material is FANTASTIC!! Shorten it up a bit, and that will really be a God-centered blessing of a testimony of God's greatness!” In the end I had too much material instead of too little! God is Incredible! Also, since I worked on my speech all day and stayed up late practicing it; I was exhausted the next morning! I barely could keep my eyes open! I was also loosing my voice from reciting it too much the day before! “This could not be good” was the first thing that came to my mind. But God strengthened me and an hour or so before my speech I didn’t feel tired anymore! Also, my voice had gone back to normal! Praise be to God! Then for the actual speech! Before the speech I was literally freaking out! Chad prayed for the four of us during greeting time which really encouraged me and then during one of the songs Rachel R came over and prayed with Rachel y and I and that was a big blessing! As Grant was up there (he was right before me) I started praying. I prayed that God would give me peace and that he would use me and again that this would be a God-centered speech completely focused on Him! And as I went up I felt this peace suddenly sweep over me! It was an Indescribable feeling and I knew that God was working through this whole situation! I even presented the speech like a professional speaker which amazed me! I had people coming up to me complementing me on the whole speech and how it really encouraged and touched them and also how I presented the speech and how it was perfect and I was able to share with them the amazingness of God through the whole situation! It was an awesome experience!

1 comment:

  1. haha i was freaking out as did great though!
