Im in Africa. There are no words to describe all the emotions I've had since I've arrived. There have been times where I've cried from the overwhelming feeling of lonliness. From being nowhere near familiarity. Finding nothing in this place that reminds me of home. But even in those times, He is God. Something my dad told me that has remained a comfort to me is "God is God of the whole world, not just the US." I am so thankful for that truth. Even in times where I feel alone, He remains. He is steadfast and unwavering. This trip as a whole has been an unbelievable test of faith, of trust in God.
Now if you read all of that you will probably come to the conclusion that I'm miserable and merely counting down the days to be home. Two days ago that would have been true. I did want to be home. I was counting down the days BUT one day something changed. I couldn't tell you what it was but something happened. Just when i felt like i would break, God showered me with his abundant love. He knows. He knows how much I can handle. That day, I had sent my parents a text saying, "Africa is insane, its definitely a new experience. I miss you guys alot! We are so helpless haha we just wait for someone to come and tell us what we are doing each day and never know when they are going to come. It's hard and I'm so out of my comfort zone so please be praying! I love you and I can't wait to be home!" BUT that day God loved us so well! We spent the day at the kirabo seeds orphanage and then moved on to the church village. At both places we read a story about Jesus being the Good Shepherd and then did sheep crafts. Althogether the day was filled with games and laughter. Exactly what Misha and I needed. Then later that night I recieved an unexpected call from my parents and got to hear all the voices of my sweet brothers and sisters! God is good.
Something Misha and I have started doing is keeping lists of things to remember: things phiona says, random noises outside our window at night, not so blessings (that will be funny later) and the one that i want to share with you OUR BLESSINGS.
~Being attacked by a crowd of children every time we arrive
~Beautiful views from the boda bodas
~Harriot cooking spaghetti (AMERICAN FOOD)
~Playing games with sheep puppets
~Simon says
~Teaching the TI wobble
~Finding corny Christian fiction novels
~Hot showers, toilets
~Phiona's boy advice
~Random calls from family
~American snacks
~Misha and Phiona and their friendship
~A group of ladies from Texas showing up at the baby home
~Instagraming things (even though we have no internet to post them)
~Riding boda bodas
~Late night pillow talks with Misha
These blessings or simple joys have reminded us of how blessed we are in America and how well God loves us.
“In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if
necessary, you have been distressed by various trials so that the proof of your
faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by
fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of
Jesus Christ.” -1 Peter 1:6-7