i LOVE the song “hold my heart”!! and my next favorite is “beloved” (besides “by your side” which is my favorite song of theirs) this is kinda random, but i really like the song “what do i know of holy” by addison road!! its an amazing song!! and also “i can only imagine” by mercy me. ive recently been listening to those songs alot! they really make me think of who God is and how awesome and incredible he is!!! its overwhelming!! everytime i think about it i want to fall on my knees and cry out to God!! and confess how sinful i am and how unworthy of his love!! i’m also reading the book “crazy love” by Francis Chan. and that also really makes you think and realized who your God is and who you have been demanding things from all these years!! like “i want this! i want that!” i can’t understand how i can be so selfish when my God gave up everything for me!! He yielded up his life so that i could know and love him more and have a chance to have a personal relationship with him!! Its incredibly crazy!!!
and i will try and be still and know that He is God even through all my stress! it is good to recognize that God is in control!!